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You Never Build Just One Interface - You Don't Even Own It

We live in a distributed data world with ubiquitous computing. This is wonderful but it also comes at a price. The price is flexibility or - in other words - letting go of the idea that you as the creator own the interface. Publishing your product on the web means you need to consider a lot of different use cases and user needs you may not even know about.

In this closing keynote at the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2021, Chris Heilmann, Principal PM for developer tools at Microsoft, is going to cover lots of scenarios he had to cover in the 25 years of building products for people on the web and what benefits it had to let go.

The keynote was recorded on September 9, 2021, at the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2021.

Learning Outcomes

After watching this keynote speech, viewers will:

  • Be aware of the variety of user-issues that can arise when designing and building a website
  • Understand accessibility challenges and what can go wrong in web-design
  • Recognise potential issues in web-design and online presence that can prevent users from fully engaging with a resource

Cite as

Chris Heilmann (2021). You Never Build Just One Interface - You Don't Even Own It. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module]. http://localhost:3000/id/NRqm-kS5x21TZvgom6bV0

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Resources hosted on DARIAH-Campus are subjects to the DARIAH-Campus Training Materials Reuse Charter

Full metadata

You Never Build Just One Interface - You Don't Even Own It
Chris Heilmann
Social Sciences and Humanities
Content type:
Training module
CCBY 4.0
Computational Imaging, Digital Archives, History of Technology